Monday, April 26, 2010

A Makeover

Spring is a reminder to us all that rebirth and renewal are not only possible, but happening in constant cycles. The tips of the trees turn green with buds, flower bulbs push readily through the moist earth that has sheltered them through winter, and we peek out from the warmth of our houses to greet the sun and our new surroundings.

Even living within the concrete confines of the city, as I do, there is plenty of opportunity to experience the happenings of spring. Cherry blossoms swarming the tree-lined streets, tulips blazing in grassy strips and yards. In celebration of spring, I have eggplants sprouting in the windowsill and a garden full of tiny seedlings, waiting to become my food for the summer.

I decided it was time to give this space a makeover, and I'm glad that it coincided with spring. If I'd done this in winter there's a strong chance that everything would have been shades of gray to match the weather and the mood. But now that April is nearly at an end, green is the only thing on my mind. The weather in Cascadia is shifting toward blue skies and sunshine, and we're all very happy about it here.

Cheers to you, and happy spring!

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